Simon Uwins

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Creating Loyal Brands : Themes Of The Week...

So much content, so little time...

A weekly round-up of the themes and posts I found particularly interesting or useful.

With the world in which we live seemingly changing ever faster, several conversations explored the implications of this for strategy, for brand reputation, and of course, for marketing.

Strategy matters...

A more flexible approach to strategy and planning is needed to cope with rapid disruption.

Death To Core Competency: Lessons From Nike, Apple, Netflix argued that thriving companies need to evolve constantly, adding the necessary skills as they go, rather than be constrained by focusing on their existing core skills.
Use Doctrine to Pierce the Fog of Business explored how the military's use of "doctrine" - a framework of fundamental principles to guide decision-making and action at the front line - can help companies manoeuvre in today's rapidly changing environment.
Why Fast, Cheap, and Easy Design Is Killing Your Nonprofit's Brand highlighted how a clear purpose and strategy is even more essential in a world where the barriers to entry have come down.
While Clayton Christensen Wants to Transform Capitalism featured an interesting interview on disruptive innovation with the author of "The Innovator's Dilemma".

Through the looking glass...
In today's connected world, the reality of how companies operate is on display for all to see.

In Digital Age, Brands Need a Reputation Reality Check argued that brands have to explain reality to their customers, rather than disregard it as they were once able to do.
How to Be "Trustable" - Five Requirements laid out some principles for achieving trust in today's transparent age.
How McDonald's Toppled Starbucks From The Social Top Spot showed how a campaign on transparency supercharged McDonald's social reputation and audience.
While How Maker's Mark Turned Its Watered Down Whiskey Debacle Into A Social Media Win provided a great example of how to respond when you do make a mistake.

New marketing for a new age...
Several posts focused on changes that are required to marketing, with a common theme of being customer, rather than brand-centric - something I always thought marketing was about!

Stop Selling Ads and Do Something Useful argued that the future of advertising lies in helping people get things done, or entertaining them.
Advertisers Should Act More Like Newsrooms proposed a new model for advertising akin to a real-time, data-driven newsroom, rather than the traditional campaign.
What's Your 4G Marketing Plan - Interruption Or Disruption challenged agencies and marketers to focus on innovation and disruption to add value to people's lives, rather than just interrupting them in more places, and on more devices.
While The Art of Conversion explored how a blending of the art and the science of communication can enable brands to speak to people in a way that makes sense to them, personally.

Finally, in a world increasingly obsessed with big data, What Data Can't Do provided a useful counterpoint.

Have a good weekend...